As i promised i'm back with the start of making eccentric circles and designs patterns using quilling board.
It was simple to use quilling board.
First of all you need to understand the proper strip size and put on the proper circles. The instructions will be given on the quilling board box itself.
So to start with this design you will have to make 36 eccentric circle shapes.
So to start with first make 30 pieces of eccentric cirles usinf 1/2 strip and then 6 pieces eccentric circles using 1/3 strip. And approximately 30 tight circles.
I hope everyone is clear with the measurement. So everyone be ready with these shapes i'll be back with the rest to make.
See the picture below to see how it looks.
These are the 1/2 strip and 1/3 strip eccentric circles.
These are the tight circles.
My Favorite Quilling Books Labels: Quilling Craft
Hello everyone I got a new Quilling board for rest of my project. Till these days i did each and every shape and design by my own, now i got a new Quilling board for the new projects on Eccentric Circles.
Will be posting the eccentric designed quilling craft.
Eccentric cirles design are basically made on boxes like Jewellery box or some kind of gift boxes.
So i has got the Quilling board for the eccentric circles design.
Here is the board pics for you along with some eccenctric strips on the board which i wanted to show to you all.
When i finish with the eccentric designs, I'll surely explain you all the way to make it.
So here is the quilling board i bought recently.

See the eccentric cirles.
Labels: Quilling Craft
So here are all the designs and pattern I had done for new quilliers. These simple design patterns will surly help you all in creating more of new and beautiful designs. These are the designs made by me in the start i can say to get more practise on the quilling shapes, arrangements and all.
If i say about quilling its a vast craft. It has no comparision with any other craft. You can create anything out of these simple paper strips, and take my words its anything you can create. I was inspired with lot of blogger doing this craft and thought of trying it out and now I'm loving this craft.
When i tried out for the first time i was not very impressed with this craft, but the day i got a comment from a very experienced quiller i was just so happy and that inspired me so much, then i carried the same attitude forward and tried out all new patterns and design i got from Internet. So very happy now quilling.
If you check my blog i have all recent posts with quilling. And yes i have tried lot of new things in this.
So you can expect more of new designs and patterns.
Till then try out new things that you can and if you wish can share with me your ideas and designs.
I would love to see your comments and suggestions.
Till then HAPPY QUILLING..!!!Labels: Quilling Craft
Hi Friends,
As i was away for long time i got lot of mails regarding glass painting, crystal glass painting and my Quilling work. Now I'm here to clarify all those queries.
Where do i get crystal pieces from?
To start with the crystal painting even i was not very sure about how it looks and where can i get that, so i broke some glass and made small pieces out of it. Later on i got to know we get these crystal pieces easily available in art store which are actually not glass pieces. Its plastic crystal pieces which is transparent and looks like glass pieces. So you can ask for crystal pieces anywhere in art store and can start doing crystal glass painting.
How do i stick those crystal pieces and what glue to use?
As you do regular glass painting draw an outline of the design and instead of using glass colours firstly apply glue (fevicol) on the design and then paste crystal pieces on it. After it dries and get stuck properly apply glass painting colours as per the design. The crystal effect embosses the particular design where you have the crystals which gives a different effect altogether.
1. Which glue i use for Quilling craft?
Its basically called as white glue. But i exactly don't know where will i get white glue, so I use FEVICOL MR.
2. On e of my visitor mailed me asking for fringed flower "Found your blog very interesting and your creations beautiful, as I make quilled greeting cards myself. Especially the fringed flowers. They look so dainty. Could you tell me whether you have cut with ordinary scissors or used a fringer ?"
I never use fringing machine as the flower wont look that good using a fringing machine.. I use normal scissors for fringing the flower as that gives natural effect.
If you still have any queries and concerns feel free to contact me.
Friends.. I'm back..!!
Hello friends,
I am back with lot of new exciting crafts and designs for all of you. First of all a very big SORRY to all of you as i was away for almost 3 weeks, as there was renovation work going on at my place and i could not do anything to my system so that i can get in touch with you all.
Still thanks to you all for visiting my blog mailing me and waiting patiently for my reply..
I have lot of quilling patterns and designs with me to share with you all and everyone who gave me their mail id for glass painting designs, you don't have to wait any long.
So, friends keep reading my blog and I'm awaiting your valuable comments.